Forest Mill Farm LLC

Quality Maple Syrup Producer in Coventry, Connecticut

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Sustainable Agriculture - Prime Forest Saved From Development

Our 40-acre sugarbush in Willington, Connecticut, was once at risk of being lost to a large subdivision development that would have forever destroyed this land and its vital wildlife habitat. After months of determined negotiation, we were able to purchase the property, ensuring its preservation as an undeveloped forest.

The land is now enrolled in Connecticut's PA 490 program and officially designated as forestland. We actively manage it to promote the long-term health of both our maple syrup production and the surrounding wildlife habitat.

Owning this land ensures the continued vitality of our forest and a steady supply of maple products for our customers. It also empowers us to responsibly manage the land, upholding our core values of conservation and sustainable agriculture.

Our forest supports a rich diversity of wildlife, including deer, turkey, and bobcats, and plays a crucial role in the Fenton River Watershed—an important water source for many in the Windham area

The History of the Forest Mill Farm Name

Our main sugarbush is situated in Willington, CT, overlooking the Fenton River. In the colonial times, this stretch of the river became known as Forest Mills, where numerous mills harnessed the power of the small but mighty Fenton River for water power. Our name pays tribute to the hardworking men and women who came before us, using this land for their their livelihood and their home.

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